Save the Children and Water Aid both focus on saving people but represents their message using different methods. Save the Children focuses more on the negative impact on children during a war and shows the suffering they go through however WaterAid uses a risky method of showing the positive impact of people in Africa after they receive the help they need, this is risky as from a different point of view it seems that the people are ok and don't need help however their base message is to show people how helping WaterAid can help other people from not having the necessary needs to being happy like the people in the advert. Save the Children is the usual type of charity advert as it uses guilt and sympathy and is effective at helping people in need successfully. WaterAid approached the charity advert differently by choosing a different view of people in need by showing the positive side but is a smart method as if analysed properly then you can see what it really means and how there is some guilt and sympathy methods used still in the WaterAid advert.
WaterAid uses some close up shots of Claudia to create a connection between her and the audience, some close up shots of over people happy in the village to show their feelings about having water. Save the Children's advert is completely different as they don't use a close up but instead use a constant upper body shot of a girl living a normal life and then shows her facial expression changing as her normal days starts to go downhill as a war starts in her area. They don't use a close up shot and instead only use upper body shot as they want to show what's happening in the environment and with her face also. Another comparison is the use of colours, WaterAid starts with a lack of colours but throughout the advert more and more colour come through to show how water can brighten up these peoples lives. However, Save the Children starts with bright colours and happy emotions and transitions into dark colours with sad emotions to reinforce their final message of "Just because it isn't happening here, Doesn't mean it isn't happening" as it can happen to anyone at anytime and you don't know its coming even if you live the best and happiest life.
Another thing you can see with the close ups of peoples faces is that if that person is looking directly at you or something else. In the WaterAid advert, no one; not even Claudia looks directly at you which follows the rest of the advert as they don't use much guilt and sympathy like usual charity adverts so they didn't make any look at the camera to not connect a direct connection between them and the audience. However, in Save the Children, the girl doesn't look at the camera for most of the advert until the end when she looks very ill and upset next to her mum celebrating her birthday, she looks straight at the camera for the last few seconds to create the connection between her and the audience and also makes the audience feel sympathy and guilty for her making them want to help her.